Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hmmm, Interesting! That Obama Photo

Dirty tricks by the Clintons? Who'd a thunk it! The Clinton camp must have leaked that photo of Obama in African clothing. Who else would have done it. And who really cares. But I'm sure the Clintons think some people will care. I believe the Clintons, especially Hillary, are racists. And this, from the first "black" president and first lady!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Obama Beats Hillary, Again!

Barack Obama won the Wisconsin and Hawaii primaries yesterday. The Clinton campaign must be in a tizzy right about now! What is she going to do?? Clinton thought she had this nomination wrapped up, not to mention the general election. I love seeing Hillary go down in flames, but the thought of Barack Obama as the next POTUS scares me to death. I'm feeling deja vu all over again. Jimmy Carter anyone??? And that's if we are lucky! God bless America.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fidel Steps Down

Wow, never thought I'd see the day! Fidel Castro is stepping down as president of Cuba. Should be interesting to see what happens over the next few years. God bless the Cuban people.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How Do Conservatives View McCain

Well, it looks like John McCain will be the presidential nominee for the Republican Party. Mike Huckabee is hanging in there, but he does not really have a shot. Many true conservatives do not like McCain, and for good reason: He is not a conservative!! He co-sponsored the McCain-Feingold bill, which puts limits on free speech during an election. He attacks Republicans any chance he gets. He loves the liberal media fawning all over him, and so often goes against his party to get those rave reviews from the New York Times, etc. He believes in global warming, and wants to use goverment restrictions and regulations to enforce lifestyle and economic changes that would hurt the average American, but probably would not do much about global warming. In short, McCain is a liberal in Republican clothing. It should be interesting to see what happens over the next several months. McCain is good at attracting Democrats and independents. But will he get the Republican base? Will conservatives hold their noses in November and vote for him anyway? Anyone is better than Hillary or Obama, right? We shall see.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What Happened to Rudy?

At the beginning of this whole presidential campaign (which was what, four years ago?!), I supported Rudy Giuliani as the Republican nominee. So what happened to him??? Nada! I am really surprised that he has done so poorly in the primaries. I am from the Northeast, so I understand and forgive a bit of his liberalism, but I wonder if voters in the heartland could overlook his support for abortion, gay rights, and his lack of support for gun rights. So maybe it was wishful thinking on my part that others would also overlook his liberal views on certain issues near and dear to so many conservatives. In my opinion, his record in New York City on crime, cutting taxes, cleaning up the city, and getting rid of the squegee men should have been enough to get him nominated. Not to mention his tough stand against terrorism and support of Bush in fighting Islamo-fascism. But, his campaign has just fizzled. Too bad, I like Rudy, but I guess he just does not come across to conservatives outside the Northeast. In addition to his liberal views on some issues, he is Italian, Catholic, and has been married three times. So, his chances of actually winning the entire country in the general election, well, I guess it was always a long shot.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Condolezza Rice for VP

Here are my thoughts about the Republican nominee. I still believe it will be Mitt Romney. I think he is the one true conservative in the bunch, now that Fred Thompson is out. And Romney will probably be able to attract the moderate, independent and conservative voters in the Republican party. So, I think Mitt, should he win, should pick Condolezza Rice as his running mate. They would make a great ticket, and could really win the general election.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

For Complete Campaign Coverage.....

Check out National Review Online. It has some of the best coverage on the Web. The link is below.